InHiro is a simple recruiting tool. It makes your hiring process easier.
- Promote your company culture through visually attractive job ads.
- Source your candidates via social networks. And a referral program.
- Use InHiro as a management tool. Funnel candidates through your hiring process.
- Build your talent pool. Import data from your email and different recruiting systems.

Winner 2013

Europe Venture Summit
Finalist 2013
- Techcrunch.com: Play Canvas Wins The Knock-Out Fight At Startup AddVenture Summit In Kiev
- Inventures.eu: InHiro (Startup Pick)
- TweakYourBiz.com: Hire Through Social Networks, Employees And Partners With InHiro
The team
InHiro is a bunch of creative people with a passion for technology and simpler recruiting

Andrej Baran

Katka Javorcikova
Customer Care Specialist

Jaro Luptak
Investor, Neulogy

Lucia Kubinska
Lead Designer

Matej Moravcik

Christian Mandl
Investor, Neulogy

Matej Kovac

Michal Truban
Investor, WebSupport
InHiro, a.s.
Staré Grunty 12
841 04, Bratislava
Company ID: 47787066
Tax ID: 2024101211
Vat ID: SK2024101211