Plan with advanced stats

Make better recruiting decisions thanks to InHiro statistics

Learn more about InHiro statistics

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What you’ll get:

The Essentials
Ideal for fast check up

Sourcing stats
Analyse your effective sources

Hiring process
Learn more about your own recruiting pipeline

User activity report
Discover how your team is performing

Have a big picture

With InHiro, you can look at your data globally and in detail to every position. InHiro PRO users can get even more detailed statistics for sourcing, hiring and user activity tracking.

Create smart reports

Just select date for your report and save all relevant candidates in the stage.

Create better sourcing strategies

When you know the most effective sources of your candidates and hires, you can easily adjust your sourcing strategy.

Learn more about your referrals

Is your referral program productive enough? See more with InHiro stats

See how your Job Ad is performing

The most interesting is the “Views vs. Applied” ratio. Based on our stats, on each 100 views, you should get at least 1 application. The smaller the number is – the better for you.

Check the activity of your team and recruiting agencies

With InHiro, you’ll get complete analytics of all possible actions of InHiro users. Including enrolled candidates, messages, interviews, notes, ratings and moves.

Learn more about InHiro stats schedule a demo