Save great talent for the future
How does the talent pool work?
The talent pool is your company treasure. The reservoir of great talents you came across during the recruiting process.

Features of InHiro talent pool
Upload files from hard drives and folders
InHiro automatically parses resumes into candidate profiles. Import candidates straight to created positions and tag a group of candidates. It saves so much of your time!

Connect your career email
InHiro automatically parses resumes from your email communication. Connect your career mailbox (e.g. ). Set basic filtering rules (e.g. all emails with subject containing ‘Java Developer’). And turn these emails into candidate profiles without tedious data retyping.
InHiro email connect is not limited to Gmail, Outlook, or plugins – any company email can be connected!

Create candidates manually
No rocket science. Simply type in all information you have on a candidate.

Save great talent as you browse their LinkedIn
Have you found an impressive LinkedIn profile? Save it to your talent pool database or send directly to an open position!

Rate candidates like a PRO
InHiro’s sophisticated ranking system goes beyond the simple stars. Set important skills and rate them as a team!

And that’s not all folks!
Team work
More heads, more talent. Build your talent pool together as a team!

Mark the best applicants
InHiro allows you to create various talent buckets, rank candidates, tag candidates with specific skills and much more.
Save time and money
Contact potential talent before creating a job ad. What is more, talent pool stays in the company, not in the recruiter’s email when he leaves the company.

Export from different ATS and import to InHiro
Have a weird export file from your existing Applicant Tracking System? Just let us know, we’ll deal with it.
Thinking about migration from your old ATS?
Let’s talk:

Talent pool recruiting strategy: Learn from big players
Reach great candidates without stress. Smart companies build talent pool continuously. Learn from big players like Google and Facebook:
- Create a “permanently open position”. Allow great people to apply all the time.
- Save the greatest candidates to your talent pool.
- Tag your candidate’s strongest skills.
- When your need a talent, search for the required skills.